At Buckalew Frizzell & Crevina, we possess extensive experience in representing homeowners’ associations throughout New Jersey.  We’ve been doing it for three decades.   Specializing in this area of the law, we are quite familiar with the New Jersey court decisions and statutes which govern homeowners’ associations, and we understand the subtle legal distinctions between homeowners’ associations and condominiums. We also have considerable expertise to guide homeowners’ associations through the difficult but crucial process of Transition from developer to homeowner control of the association.

But a homeowners’ association often needs more from its attorney than simply a knowledge of community association law, because numerous other areas of the law may impact an association. Our attorneys have substantial experience in those important related areas of the law, such as commercial law, litigation, collections, corporate law, the negotiation and drafting of complex contracts, zoning law, labor and employment, and commercial and residential real estate development.

We take pride in the well-reasoned counsel we give to homeowners’ association Boards across a wide variety of legal disciplines, providing services such as:

  • Amending the association’s Declaration or By-Laws          
  • Preparing or revising Rules and Regulations
  • Collecting delinquent common expense assessments
  • Providing legal opinions on contemplated courses of action by the Board
  • Negotiating and drafting contracts
  • Counseling the association and its managing agent on employment matters
  • Advising the Board on disability issues
  • Pursuing legal claims against developers, contractors, and/or service providers
  • Assisting in the proper holding of annual meetings
  • Enforcing association Rules and Regulations

Buckalew Frizzell & Crevina can provide you with the thorough, experienced and strong legal counsel that you desire for your homeowners’ association. Please contact  Eric Frizzell (, David Frizzell (, Donna Shahrabani (, Cheryl Siegel (,  Mary Wynn Seiter (, or John Middleton ( by email or by phoning us at 201-612-5200 to discuss how we can make a difference for your association.