You’ve paid your premiums. You’ve relied on your insurance company’s promise to stand by you and help you get back on your feet should you suffer a loss. But now the unexpected has occurred and your insurance carrier has refused to protect you, leaving you to face an alarming and potentially-catastrophic financial crisis alone. Where can you turn?
BFC can help you. Our attorneys will work tirelessly on your behalf to seek recovery from any insurance company that has refused to pay claims that should be covered by your policy. We have experience dealing with a wide range of property and casualty insurance, and will comprehensively analyze your claim to determine the best course for securing the coverage to which you are entitled as quickly as possible. We will negotiate on your behalf with your insurer to assess whether a prompt resolution may be achieved. Where necessary, we will initiate and aggressively pursue your claim in litigation.
If a lawsuit is appropriate, we will immediately analyze when it must be filed in order to safely comply with any statute of limitations or meet any other deadline that may be applicable to your claim. We will carefully and comprehensively assess all of the facts and legal issues unique to your case, and continually evaluate the best means to deploy our firm’s resources. And we will stay focused on pursuing a cost-effective strategy for attaining a successful outcome.
We have extensive experience appearing in various forums — including state and federal court, arbitration, mediation, and government agencies – and with a wide range of proceedings, including emergent applications, actions seeking injunctive relief, and traditional litigation. While we are always open to an early settlement that satisfactorily accomplishes our clients’ objectives, our litigators will be prepared to argue their case at trial if no negotiated resolution is possible.
If you have been – or anticipate that you may soon be – wrongly denied insurance coverage, or wish to discuss how we can assist you regarding an insurance claim, we invite you to email Cheryl Siegel (, John Middleton (, Donna Shahrabani (, Mary Wynn Seiter (, (, or Eric Frizzell (,